Friday, 29 June 2012

The truth about eggs

The truth about eggs .... 

Cashew Nut Spread / Dip

This recipe has been adapted from my vegan friend Danet's 'Cashew Nut Cheese' recipe. It is scrumptious and never fails to please. Enjoy!

Typical questions- answered!

As a vegan, I am often asked questions by people who are not familiar with the concept. 
I don't mind answering them, as I am happy to educate people about living a life that is free of animal enslavement and murder. It does however sometimes prove difficult when people ask questions that you feel have an 'obvious answer' or questions that challenge your moral grounding.

For me it's simple... "The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than blacks were made for whites, or women for men."  Alice Walker, American author, The Color Purple 

Sweet potato and caramelized onion quiche

Guest blogger: Devalera Steyn
This recipe was a huge success. It is a real hearty meal, and perfect for these winter days in front of the fire place. I adapted this recipe from Vegan Sa, because the ingredient list seemed too much for my baking pan.

Chilli con not-carne

Guest blogger: Devalera Steyn

This recipe has been adapted from a few variations of chilli con carne (obviously mine is vegan), until I found the perfect combination of ingredients.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Friday, 22 June 2012

Ultimate Shepherd's Pie

This is a wonderful recipe to satisfy even the carnivores at the dinner table.  I adapted it slightly from the original recipe in Vegan Planet.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Col'Cacchio Pizzeria

Great news! Col'Cacchio Pizzeria offers vegan options. 

I ate there last night, and I was very impressed. Their menu is very specific and clear about what each item contains (eg: Italian Parmesan contains animal by-product), and the beauty of it all is that you can create your own meal by adding and taking away ceratin items.

I had a gluten-free pizza bread (they contain no egg), with a tomato base and avocado and balsamic toppings. It was delicious! They also offer a variety of vegan wines on their menu like Leaping Leopard and Diemersdal. Visit Vegan SA for a more comprehensive list of vegan wines.

Go play around with some other options they offer and create your own vegan pizza here.

Happy eating!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Speak up!

"The world suffers a lot... Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people."  Napoleon

In a society of meat eaters it is often challenging to be vegan.
People ask questions, make uneducated statements and attack when they feel uncomfortable.
This often results in the 'silence' Napoleon speaks of.

Rather than feel intimidated, I have decided to educate myself enough to stand up for what is right.
This does not necessarily mean that I need to know all the facts and figures, but rather have the confidence not to crumble under pressure when probed by others. 
Confidence is powerful in discussions, and seeming flustered and anxious will only weaken the cause.

Picture from

So I say, speak up... for those who can't.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Cow's Milk - for calves only!

                                                      Photo courtesy of Evolve! Campaigns

Drinking milk is not only cruel, it’s also unnatural. Only humans drink it after weaning and milk from a different species at that! It’s no more natural than drinking badger’s milk or cat’s milk. Cow's milk is food for baby cows, not for adult human beings. The substance is nutritionally imbalanced for humans. Many people find milk hard to digest resulting in allergies. Hormones in milk are linked to ovarian, breast and prostate cancer, as well as juvenile-onset diabetes. The saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein it contains are linked to many other diseases, including Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn's Disease. Cow's milk: quite simply, baby cows do very well with it, but human beings don't.

THE CALCIUM MYTH: Yes, milk contains calcium but like all animal protein, milk, when consumed, acidifies the body's pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. The most readily available source of acid neutralizer is in the bones so the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of the milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the net result is an actual calcium deficit.

(Info courtesy of Evolve! Campaigns on Facebook)

Gingko Restaurant

This past weekend was Father's day, so we decided to spoil the main man in our lives with a brunch. 

We went to gingko in Parkview, Johannesburg after reading on Vegan SA that they cater for both vegans and non-vegans.


Vegan pizza... what's pizza without cheese you might think? 

Friday, 15 June 2012

Spicy butternut & chickpea soup

Served with 'Fresh Earth' brown bread and a glass of Elberti Merlot wine

Madame Zingara

This past week I attended a work function at Madame Zingara; The Theatre of Dreams.

Being vegan, I was naturally apprehensive about what I was going to be able to eat as the menu's are set and it would be inappropriate to bring my own food along. 

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Seed Butter

The different varieties of nut and seed butters are endless, but this one is particularly flavoursome and smooth. It can be enjoyed as a spread or dip.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Tip of the day: E Numbers List

As a vegan, I am very aware of what ingredients go into my food and I am therefore an avid 'food label' reader. The ingredients are often vague as they use an E number, making it difficult to know exactly what has been used to produce the specific food.

Banana Brownie Loaf (Gluten free)

I made this brownie loaf over the weekend. It was really easy to make and is a perfect indulgence for these frosty winter days. 

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Onion and Rosemary Bread (Gluten free)

I have baked this bread a few times with different extras, but I think this one is the winner.